Milk Alternatives - A Quick Guide

So, you’re ready to make the switch from dairy milk to a milk alternative and there are so many options available to choose from. From oat milk to almond milk and coconut milk, it can be difficult trying to figure out which type is best for you. To help make it easier, we’ll explain what each plant-based alternative has to offer in terms of nutrition, taste and texture.
Cow’s Milk Is Actually Quite Healthy
It’s important to understand that dairy milk actually has quite a few health benefits. It contains healthy fats, animal protein, carbohydrates, calcium and vitamin B12. One cup of cow’s milk contains 8 grams of protein, 25% of your recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin D and calcium as well as 10% of your daily potassium needs. The other benefit is that cow’s milk tends to be cheaper than plant-based alternatives.
When people choose not to drink cow’s milk it is usually due to lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance is caused by an inability to produce the enzyme lactase which breaks down and digests lactose sugar found in dairy products. As such, those with this condition often opt for lactose free or reduced lactose milks as they still contain some level of lactose but have had the enzyme added so that their body can break down the sugar more efficiently.
Unfortunately opting for a lactose free or reduced lactose option doesn't mean that you're completely ditching the dairy - which would be beneficial if you're looking for all-plant based alternatives instead. But fear not! There are lots of nutritious options available including soy milks, nut-based milks such as almond or cashew milks and grain based milks such as oat or rice milks.
Soy Alternatives
Soy milks tend to have the highest amount of protein per serving compared with other non-dairy alternatives ranging from 5g - 13g per cup depending on if it's fortified with additional proteins or not - making them a great choice for those looking for higher amounts of proteins without having any animal sources present in their diets. Soymilk also typically provides 20%-40% RDI of Calcium per cup depending on fortification levels as well as being relatively low in calories (around 90 calories per cup). Soymilk also tends to have an earthy taste similar to cow's milk when plain but if flavoured will take on whatever flavour has been added instead meaning they can be adapted easily into any recipe like smoothies or porridge oats requiring sweetness or flavours normally associated with standard dairy milks such as chocolate or vanilla flavorings.
Nut Based Choices
Nut milks such as almond and cashew are generally lower in calories than soy yet still provide between 2g - 4g protein per cup depending on whether they are fortified with additional proteins although they don't provide nearly enough Calcium naturally but this can still be supplemented through fortification processes resulting in 20%RDI/cup just like soy varieties do once fortified accordingly.. Nut milks tend also to lack fat content although this again depends on how much fat is added during processing either naturally through nuts used or else via fortification processes using vegetable oils for example etc... Almond and cashew nut milk tend also to have a sweet nutty taste when unflavoured making them ideal for use in cereals where sweetness may be desired without adding additional sugars etc... Moreover because nut milks contain no saturated fats unlike cows' Milk meaning they don't put unnecessary strain on hearts etc... providing healthier alternatives overall without sacrificing too much taste wise either!
Grain Based Options
Grain-based alternatives such as oat and rice milks are both low calorie options providing around 130/150 calories per cup respectively whilst still providing between 2g - 4g protein per cup dependent on whether they are fortified additionally with proteins etc... Not only do these grain based options provide fewer calories than other non-dairy varieties they also tend not yield very high satiating properties so should not lead people overeating after consumption due their lower calorific values alone! Oatmilk takes on a creamy sweet flavour whilst ricemilk tends towards being slightly sweeter yet sometimes grainier when consumed which some people find off putting however both can be used in just about any recipe calling for standard cows' Milk alternatively instead!
No matter which alternative you choose its important that research is done beforehand into what each offers exactly before purchase; otherwise one might end up buying something unsuitable thus wasting money needlessly! Ultimately though whichever variety one chooses replacing standard cows' Milk will ensure healthier outcomes overall due absence animal proteins solids & saturated fats etc... within these plant based alternatives!