Versatile, Adaptogenic Maca Foods
Our Maca line of natural whole foods includes Organic Black, Red and Yellow Maca Powder, Mmmmaca (our special triple maca blend), Superu (our Peruvian superblend of 7 ingredients including 3 Maca powders), and Macao (our special blend of Maca and Cacao powder).
Shop MacaMaCao
Earth Notions’ special blend of the finest South American organic maca and cacao powders, perfect for smoothies.
Maca Black
Organic powder from black maca root of the Peruvian Amazon, specially extruded for easy digestion.
Maca Red
Organic powder from red maca root of the Peruvian Amazon, specially extruded for easy digestion.
Maca Yellow
Organic powder from yellow maca root of the Peruvian Amazon, specially extruded for easy digestion.
Earth Notions’ special blend of the finest yellow, red and black organic maca powders from South America.
A powdered blend of the finest Peruvian yacon root, cacao,yellow maca, red quinoa, amaranth and sacha inchi.
Try Other Superfood Lines

Superfruit Superfoods
Enjoy the sweet and tangy fruity flavours of our line of superfruit ingredients. Incorporate them into a wide variety of recipes and boost the nutritional value of your diet!
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Raw Cacao Superfoods
Our line of raw cacao products from the Criollo cacao beans of South America helps you add nourishing magnesium, polyphenols and decadent, rich flavours to your diet!
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