Reduce Stress to Increase Magnesium!

Our Stress Response
At this point in the series it should become very clear to everyone that minding your magnesium levels can make a drastic difference in your health and longevity due to magnesium's Central rules in every major organ and bodily process. In the previous post we talked about the best magnesium-rich foods we can incorporate into our diet to make sure we're getting enough of this vital substance. in today's post will take a look at what we can do in our daily lives to mitigate what is perhaps the biggest factor in our daily magnesium loss: stress.
As we've covered in previous posts briefly, every major organ and system in the body depends on magnesium and that includes the system we'll talk about today which is the human stress response system. This system is comprised of a series of organs including the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and the adrenal glands. when most people hear about stress they think about the adrenal glands and that's what we will look at today.
The premise is actually quite simple. Are adrenal glands require magnesium in order to produce all of the hormones that help us deal with stress and at the same time an overproduction of these hormones causes unfavorable environment in our bodies which create additional stress and further deplete our magnesium. It can become quite a negative spiral. So the question remains what are the main sources of magnesium depleting stress in our lives that we need to mitigate to achieve ideal magnesium levels?
Let's take a look at a list of the sources of stress we've identified:
- synthetic contaminants from household products as well toxins that leach into water from water bottles and juice boxes
- synthetic diet (GMOs, inorganic fertilizers from non-organic produce)
- airborne pollution
- intense exercise while in a magnesium-deficient state
- psychological and emotional stress
- prolonged exposure to blue/artificial light from digital technology screens
- WIFI and electromagnetic radiation
Exercise depletes magnesium?
There's a good chance that there's a few items on this list that may have surprised you so let's tackle those first. Let's look at exercise. Exercise depletes magnesium. Full stop. Every single muscular contraction requires magnesium. Exercise also often leads to a production of stress hormones because exercise in and of itself is a stress. so if we are engaging in frequent bouts of very extreme and physically demanding exercise especially when we are in a state of magnesium deficiency, this may result in depleting our magnesium stores faster than we can replenish them. Exercise should be used to increase the strength, health and resilience of our bodies rather than to put them in states of stress that cause more harm than good. So it's important that you apply a sense of moderation and recovery techniques which include sleep and additional magnesium intake to offset the stress caused by intense bouts of exercise.
Exercising in the beginning parts of the day for example is more ideal than exercising at night because you want your stress hormones to decrease as you approach bedtime so that your body can engage in more regenerative sleep at night. Ensuring that we get enough protein carbohydrates healthy fats and micronutrients such as magnesium following intense bouts of exercise can also help to prevent putting the body in a state of serious stress.
WiFi Is a Stress?
Wi-Fi and electromagnetic radiation are two additional sources of stress to the human body which most people completely overlooked and which many large associations and organizations a lots of money to keep from the mainstream media. but if you do deep research you will realize that not only human life but all biological life also requires a specific electromagnetic environment in order to thrive. These scientific studies were done as early as in the 1950s and or initiated by the early findings of Sir winfried Schumann which was a German scientist who discovered the natural electromagnetic pulse of the earth. Further research by NASA and other organizations found that humans experienced poor health when they were restricted access to this natural electromagnetic field by being put in underground bunkers. If we look at the state of today's world we can see that the plethora of infrastructure that provides Wi-Fi to the world is actually competing with the natural electromagnetic environment created by the Earth itself which is much much lower than the frequencies supported by Wi-Fi infrastructure.
In order to mitigate the stress from Wi-Fi it may help to set your phones on airplane mode and turning them off before going to sleep as well as turning off the Wi-Fi in your home before bedtime. Enjoying out exercise outside in the fresh air away from direct exposure to Wi-Fi infrastructure and modems and routers is also a great way to mitigate the impact from this Insidious source of stress.
Artificial Light and Digital Screens Impact Our Health
The artificial blue light that is emitted from our digital screens such as our phones and computers and TVs can cause serious harm to our health. The problem is that this happens gradually over time in an Insidious way which we don't notice. How and why does this happen? Well it happens via the dysregulation of our circadian rhythm. In other words the high concentration of blue light from these digital devices disturbs our biological clock. Our biological clock is a series of hormonal regulations which governs our bodily processes in a 24-hour cycle. this is regulated by the hypothalamus, Which sits in our brain behind our eyes. The hypothalamus evolved to work it's magic based on specific cues from our environment called zeitgebers. The most important of these cues is that of light. and the hypothalamus is not designed to see a high concentration of blue artificial light especially not at the end of the day when we are supposed to be preparing for sleep. In fact, Exposure to such a degree of blue light before bed hinders the function of the hypothalamus and prevents it from stimulating the body's sleep preparation processes.
So what can we do in order to mitigate the stress from this artificial source of blue light? There are two free apps we can install on our phones and computers which dim the amount of blue light that is emitted from these devices while adding more red and orange light so that it is more naturally resembling the full spectrum of light that the natural world provides us. You can find the links to these two apps below and the best part is they are 100% free.
For phone screen: twilight app
For computer screen : f.lux app